Nothing. Absolutely nothing is worth the energy and effort and emotion that worrying requires. Nothing. Nothing in the history of the world has ever been positively changed by worrying. Nothing. Ever. Thinking through things logically, yes. That has changed minds, held tongues, and given rise to some of the most beautiful stories, poetry and art ever created. But worry, no…. Read More
Close – Five Minute Friday
Close requires risk. It means you are putting your heart out there to trust and care for another person. It means that someone else now has the power to wound you. But it also means that you allow someone else to encourage you, build you up, and enrich you. Close requires work. It means you spend time being physically close… Read More
Five Minute Friday: Writer
The simple word writer stirs in me great longing and excitement and desire. Being a writer is my dream. Being a writer means that you can connect with people at an intimate level. Being a writer means that you can communicate to others that which lies deep in your heart, that which is most important to you. Being a writer… Read More