This is my friend Stephanie. I am continually amazed by her. Let me just give you some basics before I move any further. Stephanie works, in her home, as a newborn photographer. Her pictures elicit joy, warmth, and communicate the love that a parents feels for their child. She also makes t-shirts and dolls for her etsy store, in an… Read More
Five Minute Friday – Meet
Five Minute Friday – Meet Two months ago I would have insisted that to create and maintain a true friendship you would have to meet that person, in real life. I would have told you that you couldn’t know a person’s heart through a screen. There are very valid reasons for this position. What that thought does not… Read More
Close – Five Minute Friday
Close requires risk. It means you are putting your heart out there to trust and care for another person. It means that someone else now has the power to wound you. But it also means that you allow someone else to encourage you, build you up, and enrich you. Close requires work. It means you spend time being physically close… Read More