When words begin to form in my head, I have to write them down or I forget them. Knowing this, I just spent the last hour or more writing down the words that were bouncing around in my head. What I didn’t do was save those words and now they have just disappeared. Hopefully, this shortened version of the thought… Read More
Fear has rightly swept our country. We are terrified that whether we are at school, at church, or just out, someone is going to use an assault rifle to kill as many people as possible. Given our recent history, this is a legitimate concern. In fact, it would be irresponsible not to consider the possibilities and plan accordingly. However, fear… Read More
Fight On
Hanging in the far end of the library where I work is a unicorn made of plastic wrap and packing tape. Surrounding it are three giant flowers made of butcher paper. Why? Because otherwise it is a huge, ugly, blank spaces. When the school year started, I asked the art teacher if she and her students could decorate that space…. Read More
Joy in Remembering
When I am depressed remembering is a key element in finding my hope again. I delight in remembering. It brings me great joy to remember all the times God has been faithful, all the times I have been able to be with the people I love, even all the crazy things I have done with others. It renews my energy… Read More
My Truth
My goal in writing for thirty one straight days is to honestly share my journey with others. My hope is that those who are struggling too will know they are not alone and find some encouragement in my words. In addition, I want to explain to people who do not struggle with depression the truth of what the struggle looks… Read More