Adventure is a super positive word by my definition. To me it means that unknown and unique experiences are ahead, and that's exciting. While not all adventures have positive circumstances or end up with positive outcomes, every adventure leaves behind memories, lessons learned, and new paths that can be followed. So, I like adventure. But, I also like to be prepared. Just ask my poor husband who has to pack the car before our adventures! I want to know that I have the necessary ... read more
New Day
Ah, the blessing of a new day. The hope that today might just be better than yesterday, or in some cases, just as wonderful as yesterday. The hope that what lies ahead may be joy. The hope that whatever lies ahead I will handle it properly, with the grace that God affords me. "Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning." Lamentations 3:23 NLTHow grateful I am for that promise. Some versions say, "...for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning." He ... read more
Five Minute Friday – Fight
Really, we are going to keep doing this? Are we are going to keep rehashing that which we clearly see from different perspectives. Are we going to continue to attack each other because we have different opinions. I understand that we can't sweep our fight under the rug as if it never happened. I realize that our relationship has been changed by this repeated exchange of angry words. But maybe, could we possibly try our best to put it on the shelf and leave it alone. Let it be. And ... read more
Five Minute Friday – Tree – On Saturday
Yes, I realize that it's Saturday. But I love Five Minute Friday! I wait all week for this opportunity and the enjoyment of writing without fear. So, I'm writing anyway!Tree.Just the word makes me smile. Images immediately pop into my head - and they are all good. The first tree that pops into my head is a tree that sits outside the door of Oklahoma Hall, in Glorieta, NM. I heard my beautiful daughter telling a friend about the pictures in our dining room a couple of weeks ago. She ... read more
Five Minute Friday - GraceGrace. Unmerited favor. More than we deserve. So thankful for God's grace. So thankful that He extends it to everyone. So grateful that He works in His people to allow them to extend it to others. Just yesterday, I received grace from an old friend. Forgiveness for an old hurt that I had all but forgotten I had inflicted. Turns out I'd received it from her a long time ago, just had never accepted it. Where once there was bitterness, now there is friendship and ... read more