A wise friend of mine spoke today of resting, being still instead of always busy. She reminded us of Mary and Martha and how Mary was the one doing the right thing. There is no doubt that she is right. The busier we get the less time we have to think, read, and pray. My first reaction was to wish to be Mary, to be able to literally sit at His feet as He spoke and soak up all of His love and His wisdom. I would love to simply listen to Him.
I don’t hear God audibly. I hear that still small voice in my spirit. That still small voice immediately said that I can sit at His feet. I can listen to Him. Through prayer, Bible reading, and reflection we can know what Mary was able to witness. It takes being really still, though. We can’t hear Him if we are doing multiple tasks while reading our Bible, or praying while we have one eye on the baseball game. It takes slowing our bodies down and intentionally tuning in to Him and only Him. That sounds like a basic concept but it is not. It is hard to stop when the world keeps moving. It is hard to slow down when you are needed by others.
It is hard, but it is necessary. We must be still at some point on we will run ourselves out of fuel. We have to take the time to renew ourselves. For me that means tonight instead of turning on the t.v., I will open my Bible and quietly read His words. I will reflect on them and listen for that still small voice to speak in my spirit.
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